What is the Individual Drug Seizure Data (IDS) dataset?
This dataset contains the most recent available information on global drug trafficking trends, submitted to UNODC by the Member States through the IDS data collection mandated by the drug conventions (Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988). Each case ID identifies an individual drug seizure (IDS) event, which represents a singular interception or apprehension of drugs and/or New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), by a Law Enforcement Agency, considering the specific place and point in time of the event. IDS can take place anywhere within the national territory of the reporting country and it can cover one or more drugs seized at a specific place and point in time. For more information on the IDS data collection, please visit UNODC IDS data collection
This dataset represents only significant individual drug seizure cases reported to UNODC between 01.01.2011 and 31.12.2024. This dataset is still under construction to incorporate more recent data and will be updated regularly. Each sheet contained in the Excel file corresponds to a singular year of data. For more information on drug groupings, please refer to the Drug Classification. For the current list of drugs according to the IDS, please refer to the sheet in the attached Excel file entitled ‘Drug List’.
This dataset is updated twice a year. The next update of the dataset available through this page will take place in early 2025. It is important to note that the data available for download in this page may differ from that available in the closed environment of the UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform, where registration is required.
All data and metadata provided within the public environment of the Drugs Monitoring Platform are available free of charge and may be copied freely, duplicated, and further distributed provided the UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform is cited as the reference. Data in the DMP only refer to singular seizures reported to UNODC. All efforts have been made to avoid duplication however, some cases may exist. The accuracy and comprehensiveness of the data is dependent on voluntary contributions by countries. Therefore, the data do not represent a total picture of drug seizures and drug trafficking. Member States reporting IDS to UNODC are invited to register for access to the complete multi-sourced dataset housed within the DMP at https://dmp.unodc.org/reg.
To download the Individual Drug Seizures (IDS) dataset either: use the interactive dashboard below to extract the dataset based on different filter criteria (i.e. by region, country, drug, or time period). Simply apply your preferred criteria in the box displayed directly below. Alternatively, the entire dataset can be downloaded in Excel format linked below the table.